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Learning Greek with Accordance

Brian K. Mitchell

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A blast from the past

The following linked article about using Accordance Bible software for Greek instruction was written over 20 years ago.

In this following article Professor Tom Kraabel describes his use of Accordance, a tool developed for the grammatical analysis of the Greek New Testament, in the teaching of a Biblical Greek class. The article also includes a screen shot of an early version of Accordance Bible Software:



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On June 26th, 2022 forum Member, prolific blogger, and scholar Brian W. Davidson wrote a review of some of the resources and videos available for Accordance that can be used to teach introductory Greek. Check out Mr. Davidson's post: Intro to Greek by Dana Harris in Accordance Bible Software




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  • 8 months later...

Abram K-J's video/Youtube Review: Dana M. Harris Greek Grammar in Accordance Bible Software



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