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Migrating Accordance Desktop to Another Computer

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Need to migrate Accordance Desktop to another computer? These are the following folders you will want to migrate to ensure your entire Accordance library, files, and settings are successfully migrated.


Accordance for Mac


There are 4 folders that you will want to migrate:


1. The Accordance app (the program itself) located in the Applications folder.

2. The Accordance folder (which holds your modules and support files) is located in either your Home User library or the Macintosh HD LibraryGo to [username]/Library/Application Support/Accordance. (If your Home library is hidden, you have to hold down your Option key while you have the Go menu open in order to see the hidden Library underneath Home in the Go drop down menu) OR

Go to Computer/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Accordance.

3. The Accordance Preferences folder (which contains your individual preferences) is located at [username]/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences (If your Home library is hidden, you have to hold down your Option key while you have the Go menu open in order to see the hidden Library underneath Home in the Go drop down menu).

4. The Accordance Files folder (which holds your workspaces, highlights, user notes, tools etc.) located in your Documents folder.


Accordance for Windows


There are 4 folders that you will want to migrate:

1. The Accordance program: (remove or rename the OakTree folder) under C:\Program Files (x86)\Oaktree\Accordance\Accordance.exe

2. The Accordance folder which contains the modules, etc.: (remove or rename the Accordance folder) under C:\ProgramData\Accordance

3. Preferences: (remove or rename the Accordance folder) under C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Accordance\Accordance Preferences

4. User Content: (remove or rename the Accordance Files folder) under This PC\Documents\Accordance Files or  C:\Users\[username]\Documents

AppData and ProgramData are hidden folders. To show hidden folders on Windows 10 or 11, go to File Explorer > View > Check Hidden Items.

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