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Read Me Before Posting or Contacting Tech Support

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Before posting a thread in Technical Support or contacting Accordance Technical Support, try some of the following common troubleshooting tips.


1. Make sure you have the recommended version of Accordance for your operating system.


Windows 11 and macOS Big Sur, Monterey, and Ventura need at least Accordance 13 for the best experience.


2. Check for a damaged workspace by creating a fresh workspace.


Try duplicating your issue in a fresh workspace by going to File>New Workspace.


3. Accordance locking up or freezing after installing? Check your download.


Your download installer might have become corrupted during download. Try re-downloading the installer. Also try another web browser. Google Chrome is notorious for corrupting installer downloaders. Try Safari (Mac), Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.


4. Try Accordance Safe Mode.


Accordance Safe Mode will allow you to easily remove or disable User Content, Settings, Connectivity and perform clean up for troubleshooting purposes.


Mac Users: hold down your Option key as you open Accordance in order to open Accordance in Safe Mode.


Windows Users: hold down your Alt key immediately after you click on the Accordance icon in order to open Accordance in Safe Mode.


Please select Remove Startup Session, Clear Library Cache, Clear Research Cache, Clear cached downloads then click Launch Accordance.


If this doesn’t correct the issue, you can go back into Accordance Safe Mode and select Remove General Settings and then Launch Accordance. This will reset some of your personal preferences and you will need to put in your name and account information again, but this is normal. 


If this doesn’t correct the issue, you may want to try Disabling Highlights and User Notes and also Disabling Automatic Dropbox Sync and Automatic Updates in order to try to isolate the cause. 


5. To get help from other Accordance users, post a topic here.


Other Accordance users might have had a similar issue to yours in the past, so post a thread here in the Technical Support forums if you want to ask other Accordance users for assistance.


When posting a topic on the forums, adding a screenshot helps other users better understand your issues. Here are some instructions for taking screenshots (please note, the following links are from third-party websites and are not maintained or endorsed by Accordance):


Mac: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361

Windows 11: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-take-screenshots-in-windows-11

Windows 10: https://www.howtogeek.com/226280/how-to-take-screenshots-in-windows-10/


6. Contact Accordance Technical Support for direct assistance with support issues.


Accordance Technical Support sometimes will monitor these forums, but they are quicker at responding to phone or email support. To contact Accordance Technical Support directly, view the phone number or click the email button under Tech Support on the below web page.



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