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Remove / clear all highlights in a particular highlight file


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I'm not seeing it anywhere in the Help files, and I believe that in the past (hopefully it's changed) the options were limited...


Let's say I have a multi-colored highlight palette with various colors for various functions.  I intentionally chose 8 different colors in the palette for various uses.  I do a teaching session in which I use all the colors, and then I want to erase everything (start afresh) the next day.  I know I can (and in the past, had to) delete the entire highlight file.  However, this is undesirable because I will have to start from scratch the next day and pick the 8 colors all over again.  Is there a better way?


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Any answers to this technical question, please?

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could you do a cmd-A (select all text) and right click clear all highlights?


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Hi @TYA,

Open the text in question with the highlights, then type  [STYLE ?] and where I typed "?" put the name of the highlight in question. Then right click on a word and click "Clear Highlighted Hits." This will delete the highlighted his, but it won't delete the actual highlight file with the 8 highlights.


You can either do this 8 times for the 8 highlights, or likely better, you can do them at once putting an <OR> between the highlight styles as such:


 [STYLE ?] <OR> [STYLE ?] <OR> [STYLE ?] etc etc for all 8.


After you create the chain above with the styles in question, you can copy the string and just keep it somewhere so you can just paste it in the search bar the next time.


I hope this helps.



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could you do a cmd-A (select all text) and right click clear all highlights?


Great thinking, however, Accordance only allows you clear it for 1,000 verses at a time. :(



I hope this helps.



Thanks.  It sounds like this might be the best option / workaround.  I appreciate it very much.  It would be nice for there to be no limit on the 1,000 verses, as I mentioned above, but thanks again, Kristin.

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You can also use [STYLE *] to select all styles at once. The asterisk is a wildcard symbol.


I tried putting a couple of symbol highlights in Genesis 1 and one in Revelation 1, then did a flex search with [style *] and it returned all 3.

I also did a search using "the <or> [style *]" to stress-test the system and it returned 23,309 hits.

The following link suggests that the 1000 verse limit was lifted many versions ago. Has the limit come back in some form?


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Thanks for the suggestion above.  As far as your question about the 1000 verse limit, I use 13.3.4 right now and the 1,000-verse limit is still there.  See this image:

1,000 verses.jpg

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I see.


When I tested it out on my copy (Accordance 14.0.1), I didn't have to highlight the whole search window.

Search for [style *], right-click on any of the highlighted words, select "Clear Highlighted Hits", and all the highlights are undone without having to do a mass selection.


At a guess, the 1000-verse limit might be there to restrict copy-paste activity to comply with 'fair use' copyright provisions.

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