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Unlocking Codes


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Hi everyone. I can see that this question has been posed a few times in this forum, but I just switched to a new laptop and suddenly Accordance is asking me for unlock codes for virtually every module on my machine. Some of my more recent purchases (within the past 3-4 years) are functioning, but there's some stuff that isn't. Some of the modules that came with the software are asking for unlock codes. "Robertson's Word Pictures in the NT," for example, is asking to be unlocked. And there's some stuff that I purchased 10+ years ago on disks that I no longer have (like Hermeneia and the Ancient Christian Commentary resource).


It's really difficult to sort through this because there are so many requests for unlock codes that it keeps crashing my software. Any hints as to what's going on and how to get my stuff back?

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I would suggest you call Accordance support. They will have things sorted out for you in short order.

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Calling support is the best option. I went through this a few weeks ago after migrating to a new MacBook Pro. There are (as I understand it) a few new layers of security, a mix of things Accordance is doing and some new tools from Apple that combine to cause the problem.

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