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Atlas Database - adding a city

Candace Olson

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When using Atlas, is there a way to add a city not already in the database?  For example, in 1 Samuel 1:1 Elkanah is from Ramathaim-Zophim. I know this is not the average Ramah because it is in Ephraim. It is not in the database; however other atlases show me where it should be located. I would like to add this city to my map. Is there a way to add a bullet point and then a label? or add it to the database? I do not need an active link.

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On 7/7/2022 at 8:10 PM, Candace Olson said:

When using Atlas, is there a way to add a city not already in the database?


Today, I too wanted to do this. In the upper left of the Atlas, I clicked on the fourth Today, I too wanted to do this. In the upper left of the Atlas, I clicked on the fourth position, the User Layers Pop-up Menu, and chose Define User Layers… Since there wasn't a suitable layer, I pushed New to create a layer I called "Additional Sites". Then I zoomed in on the area where I wanted to place the site, and from the User Layers Pop-up Menu, I chose Edit User Layer. At this point, I ran into a problem, because I wanted to add a triangle or circle to mark the site, but it seems there's no tool to add a symbol. I tried a Unicode triangle character, but, predictably, Unicode is not supported in labels. In the end, I used to text tool to add "^" as a label, and positioned that where the site is located. Then I used the text tool again to add a label with the name of the site, and finally I removed the boxes around the two labels by clicking N in the line section of the User Layer Palette.


Unicode support in labels would be a useful feature. Not only would it make a wide range of symbols available, it would allow users to label sites in Polish, Korean, Arabic, and other languages.

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