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combined text issues


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I uploaded a new user OT and user NT. I then went to Gen 1, opened the ESV and my new OT and tried to combine the OT with my new NT, but my NT is not showing. Ok... so I went to the NT and did the same thing, just this time I opened the new NT as a parallel and then tried to combine it with the OT, but now the OT is not showing. I can open both independently, and even both as a parallel, but they not showing as options to combine (though old user bibles are showing).


Any help would be appreciated.



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Have you first opened the ESV? And then the OT/NT as parallel?



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Hi @Fabian,

Yes, I am first opening the ESV then the OT or NT. This has happened before with user bibles. Normally if I just keep opening windows the other text will finally show up in the list of options, it is just this time it isn't for some reason. My other old user bibles are options to combine, but not the most recent. If I open the OT as a parallel, the NT is not shown, and if I open the NT as a parallel, then the OT is not shown.

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I have no problem.


Even the OT parallel is only one verse. 



If I move to Gen 1:2 the combined is jumping in. 




Does your combine icon turns orange?

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Ok. If I import it as Default KJV.


If I use a different verse mapping the only single verse turns to 2059966440_Bildschirmfoto2022-05-28um20_06_59.thumb.png.2bcf7c7f93a9232ccb875eff4f1568df.png


And the combinded don't work.


I guess this is your issue.

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Does your OT and NT have for all verses a verse ref?

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Hi @Fabian,

The verses are fine and open in parallel without a problem. They just can't be combined. I am trying to combine TRANSLATION MAY 22 OT and TRANSLATION MAY 22 NT. The screenshot on the left is opening in parallel, and you can see either is an option. The screenshot on the right is trying to combine and neither is there.



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Hello @Kristin


Does both bible has the full corpus? Or does one only have the NT (Matt-Rev) or OT (Gen - Mal).

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If both NT and OT had from Gen - Rev. Then there is no option for combined resources. Why should it. Is all full. All Books, verses are covered. 


Then you have to delete the empty part. OT in the NT and NT in the OT text. At least one of them. And the one you have the part deleted is first to take as starting point for the combined text.



Edited by Fabian
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Hi @Fabian,

No, TRANSLATION MAY 22 OT is only containing Gen-Mal and TRANSLATION MAY 22 NT is Mt-Rev.

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Hi @Fabian,

I got it working. :) I remembered I might have uploaded it again last month when I had this issue. I thus tried re-uploading the OT, then the NT, now it is combining fine. So for some reason the first upload recognized it as a text to open, but not fully to combine, or something odd.


Thank you for your help,


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Hello @Kristin

In your image above I see a combined resource with Greek. 


OK. May I haven't understand you correct. Are I'm correct now, you don't find the text. Not it is not possible to combine?


In the meantime your post came. Great it works now, but I'm interested in the question above anyway.



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Hi @Fabian,

If I understand your question correctly, before I re-uploaded I had been going to Gen 1, opening my OT as a parallel, but then the NT was not an option to combine. So then i would go to Lk 1 and open my NT as a parallel, but then my OT was not an option to combine. In the images I had just shown an example of parallel vs combine, though for the OT I was using Gen. I hope this clarifies what you were asking.

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Hello @Kristin


You don't have to go to Gen, Luke etc. The combine text feature should work anyway.

So you say the Bible was not in the list to combine. 

May this could be an import bug, which happens from time to time. I don't have encountered it.



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