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Accordances crashes frequently when I check for updates

Steven MacDonald

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When I check for resource updates and the list comes back blank, I can then click on Easy install which looks like the normal list.  But then if I click back to the Updates tab, Accordance crashes with the below log.  This is reproducible and I know when it is going to happen.  Any help would be appreciated. I am running latest Windows 10 and latest Accordance.


Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 4:53:27:549 On: 18 of Feb, 2022  Eastern Standard Time

Accordance 13.3.2 (
Windows 10 (10.0.22000)
RAM: 11953MB free of 16340MB total
Disc: 848GB free of 953GB total

Message: Access violation
Address:   $004ECB7C


Edited by Steven MacDonald
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We were sorry to hear of this difficulty.


We tested this on a windows 10 PC with Accordance 13.3.2 but could not reproduce it.


There are a couple of things that you can try. 


Accordance Safe Mode will allow you to easily remove or disable User Content, Settings, Connectivity and do Clean up for troubleshooting purposes.


In order to open Accordance Safe Mode on a Windows computer, press and hold your ‘alt’ key ‘immediately after’ you click on the icon to open Accordance.



Please select ‘Remove startup session’, ‘Clear Library Cache’, ‘Clear Research Cache’, ‘Clear cached downloads’ and then launch Accordance.


If this doesn’t correct the issue, you can go back into Accordance Safe Mode and select ‘Remove General Settings’ and then relaunch Accordance. This will reset some of your personal preferences and you will need to put in your name and account information again, but this is normal.


If these steps do not help, you might want to check to see if you have any security software on your PC which may be objecting to Accordance making multiple trips to the internet (to our servers) and could be shutting it down?


If that is not the case, you could also try 'renaming' your Accordance Preferences folder and then restarting Accordance which will build a new preferences folder. If this doesn't help you could delete the new Accordance Preferences folder and then rename the previous folder back to Accordance Preferences and restart so that it restores your previous settings.


Do you have another installation on another PC which is working correctly? If so this would be an easy way to make a clone of the good installation and put it on the one with the issue.


In a normal Accordance installation on Windows, these four folders make up the complete Accordance installation:


1 - The Accordance program - (remove or rename the OakTree folder) C:\Program Files (x86)\Oaktree\Accordance\Accordance.exe


2 - The Accordance folder which contains the modules, etc. (remove or rename the Accordance folder) -   C:\ProgramData\Accordance


3 - Preferences - (remove or rename the Accordance folder) C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Accordance\Accordance Preferences


4 - User Content (remove or rename the Accordance Files folder) - Libraries\Documents\Accordance Files


AppData & ProgramData are hidden folders.

To show hidden folders on Windows 10: File Explorer > View > Check Hidden Items.


If none of these steps help, you can contact us directly at techsupport@accordancebible.com



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