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Stack Issues: No footnote when pasting Stack into Word

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I have two issues:


1) When I click on the "Add to Stack" button in my toolbar in Accordance 13, nothing happens other than a "blip" sound. According to the below mentioned webinar, I should see a context menu with options such as "New Stack". How do I fix this?


2) I followed the instructions in this Accordance webinar/video at ~50:09 to copy / paste what's in my stack into Microsoft Word, however the footnote was not automatically created as it was in the video (see two screenshots). What am I doing wrong?

microsoft word.png



In your Accordance Preferences, under the "Bibliography" section, make sure you select "Insert citation only as a footnote."

Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 6.20.40 AM.png

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Thanks @Mark Allison! I still need help with Question 1 above. Also, I'm trying to get the footnote to be in Times New Roman, 10pt. I checked the box "Scale content font size to: 10" but the footnote remains at 12pt. Any advice?

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