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Importing Usernotes


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I exchange notes with a friend from time to time and today when I try to import his notes, the text of the notes does not show.  I am running on a new computer so I needed to import several notes and none that I have will import correctly.  It appears to import, the notes end up in my user file folder but in Accordance when I click on a particular note no text shows.  I am running Mac OS X 12.0.1 and Accordance 13.3.2. 


I have attached what I get when I click on the user note. 

Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 10.54.54 AM.png

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I have this bug too. I sent @Silas Marrs the Notes file. I thought the notes file is corrupted, but as you have the same bug. Exactly the same. Even the extensions is part of the name. I'm sure it is an Accordance problem. 



Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-14 um 09.13.47.png

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@Silas Marrs


I just encountered a problem which is maybe the cause.


If I create a new Notes file. I cannot set it to a specific verse mapping. 


There is nothing to elapse. 




In Notes that are older I can. 






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  • 1 month later...

Is there any solutions?  It has been quite sometime now that I have been unable to access my user notes.

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  • 1 month later...

I am still having this issue. @Fabian Have you found a solution?  I also still get accordance to crash when quitting with empty notes.

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2 hours ago, JakeBondo said:

I am still having this issue. @Fabian Have you found a solution?  I also still get accordance to crash when quitting with empty notes.

Until now, unfortunately not. I hope the developers invest time to find a fix. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It actually sounds like the notes files are corrupt.

On 2/3/2022 at 12:22 PM, R. Mansfield said:

Do you possibly have an older version to test?


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9 minutes ago, Billy32792 said:

It actually sounds like the notes files are corrupt.


Try to make a User Notes on one computer and send it to the other one. If I'm correct exist the bug if the User Notes is not done on the same computer. 



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I just created a new user note on a Windows 10 PC in Accordance 13.3.2.


I then copied it to a thumb drive and put it on a MBP with Catalina and Accordance 13.3.2 in the Accordance Files > User Notes folder and double clicked on it from there. It opened in Accordance and all of the notes entries were there. Nothing was lost at all.


Please provide the exact steps for me to follow if I did this incorrectly.


If we can make this issue reproducible, I can report it to the programming team.



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AFAIK I have sent to Silas a file. 


But maybe it get lost. The User Notes are the Notes from http://amarel.com. Obed is for sure willing to send you his files. The Bible and the User Notes. Scroll fully down on the page to get the email link. 

Edited by Fabian
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Certainly Obed can send the user notes and we can look at them to see if we can help... but if they are already corrupt and blank we won't be able to do anything with them. This is why we were asking about a previous version from a backup or even the computer where they came from. It is really important for users to make backups. The user is the only one that has these files. We can replace anything else, but we can't replace user content since we don't have it.



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13 minutes ago, Billy32792 said:

Certainly Obed can send the user notes and we can look at them to see if we can help... but if they are already corrupt and blank we won't be able to do anything with them. This is why we were asking about a previous version from a backup or even the computer where they came from. It is really important for users to make backups. The user is the only one that has these files. We can replace anything else, but we can't replace user content since we don't have it.



The User Notes works by him. But if he send it to me I get the results from above. We tried it 3 times. So if he send it to you, it is the one which works by him. But not if he take the file from the Accordance folder and send it to anyone else. If the other import it in Accordance it is blank. Even if it works by him. 


As you can see the file is blank, but get a wrong title. The .amynotes is in the title. 


I have no clue whats going on. I can only write what we have experienced. May a personal contact to him can fix it. 


Don't forget we talk here about to different files. The one from Obed and the one from Arnold. Both has the same but by sharing.

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By all means please feel free to have Obed send the file from the Accordance Files > User notes folder and email a copy to: techsupport@accordancebible.com. If we can do anything, we will. If we can't, we can begin testing emailing files to see if they become corrupt... but we have already done this in the past. Sometimes the file works fine when we get it, other times they are blank.


We will do what we can.



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O.K. we found out, if you put the file in the correct folder it works. But normally Accordance put the files automatically in the correct folder if you double click on it. 


This should be improved. Or debugged. Either way how you wanna see it. 

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Right. So for now if you put a friend's user note in the Documents > Accordance Files > User Notes folder first and then double click on it from there, it works.


I will report this issue to the programming team to be corrected again in the future.



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