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Newbie - Help Convince Me I Made The Right Choice


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I just recently made the switch to Mac. After doing so I began the search for a good Bible program. I was a happy E-Sword user, but I didn't want to boot up VMWare Fusion every time I wanted to get to my E-Sword Bible. You folks on this forum helped convince me to take the Accordance plunge.


I just received the software today and it is now installed. I am already missing my Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge and can't believe that Brown-Driver-Briggs doesn't come with the Library Premier Version! I also purchased the Graphics DVD.


From what I have read there are many small options that can make a big difference. Can you all list some tips and pointers that might really help me fall in love with this software? Anything that you found out after a while that you wish you'd have known as a Newbie? Is there anything that you just tell yourself, "That's so awesome!", every time you do it?


What I really liked about E-Sword was the tabbed windows. All your commentaries were tabbed on one window, the Bibles, and all your References. Is there anyway to arrange the Accordance workspace like that?


Thanks in Advance!




For tabbed workspaces, go to the Accordance menu, choose Preferences, and click on General in the right hand column of the Preferences dialog. Make sure that the first setting (Open initial window as workspace with tabs) is checked.


If you are wanting separate workspaces for Bibles, Commentaries, and References, you can set up several workspaces and open the resources you want in each. I'm not sure, though, if Accordance will be able to keep track of where you want which type of tool to open when you amplify.


I'm also not sure this is the most efficient use of Accordance. Commentaries can be displayed in parallel to the Biblical text they comment on by adding a pane to a given tab.


If you haven't done so already, I would strongly encourage you to work through either the Tutorial found in the Help files, or the DVD training materials (which can be downloaded).




The first thing I would suggest is checking out the Free online video tutorials. These will really open things up for you, especially the graphics package. Here's the URL:



I don't know the resource you really liked in esword, but if you can tell us what you like about particular resources and what it is that you "do" with your bible software, I think you'll find people coming out of the woodwork to share with you.


With respect to tabbed windows specifically, check out the last video on this video tutorial page titled "Working with Windows and Workspaces".


WRT tabbed workspaces, I really got a lot out of a blog entry on amplifying to a workspace with tabs where that workspace is meant to drill down on a particular aspect of study. The blog entry specifically deals with some of the graphics resources. I subscribe to the blog via rss. Great stuff.


Accordance is a VERY powerful tool that will open doors to your studies you couldn't fathom without accordance. As you use accordance over time, you'll find its power will be revealed over time like an onion. I'm definitely still learning!


This biggest thing for me was getting the colors of the text and background adjusted just right. Seems like such a small thing and doesn't give accordance justice as to it's REAL power but it really aided in the my onscreen reading ability which greatly increased it's usability for me. Once I had this adjusted I went in and set up my workspaces.


I would highly suggest watching the online training videos which can also be d/l as Lorinda suggested. Once you see just how powerful and customizable Accordance is you'll be amazed!


And welcome to the Mac!


Here is a link to a great forum topic: This shows how different users have Accordance set up to fit their needs.



Also ditto what Mike said the Accordance blog has some fabulous resources and insight into how to use Accordance effectively.


Welcome to Accordance! :rolleyes:


Shifting from any beloved program can be wrenching, but you've stepped up to the very best available.


If you are feeling nostalgic, I'd agree with Rick: spend some time customizing your font, color and background prefs. I'd also recommend you spend a bt of time setting up some favorite workspaces: load your favorite texts and tools into parallel panes, rearrange them to your liking and save them under unique names. You can then open them whenever you'd like. With your very top choice showing on the screen, go to prefs and select it as your default workspace. It will then open ever time you launch Accordance. [i have some set up for personal devotions, others for NT and OT exegesis, etc.].


Finally, as you are now discovering, we are a group of very enthusiastic users. Take advantage of the forums. Watch the videos. Tune in to our new podcast series [coming this week!]. Ask lots of questions.


Yes, you made the right choice!


Thank you very much for the feedback. I really appreciate the positive tone the members of this forum have adopted. I will definitely make the training videos a priority.

If anyone has anymore tips please keep them coming!

If anyone has anymore tips please keep them coming!

We post lots of useful links (to the blog, announcements, and even occasional tips) over on the @accordancebible Twitter account! To see the ones we've posted so far, run this search.


I would join with others and HIGHLY suggest you watch the video tutorials... but don't stop there, also read through the Help Files tutorial. It is VERY well done, and you will discover tons of stuff.


Also, why don't you take a screen shot of the setup you liked on your previous usage and share it here, and we can talk you through duplicating and also improving upon it in Accordance.


It has only been a couple of days since I received my Accordance software. I was a bit concerned about getting satisfaction commensurate to the investment I had made. However, after just this short period of learning and customizing, I have no doubt that I made a good decision. I am sure that I have yet scratch the surface of the things I am going to discover about this Bible program. I am already very impressed at the power and personalization capabilities I have seen. I am confident that it only gets better from here.

Also, this Acccordance Community is incredible, I don't know if I have come across anything like it. All the enthusiasm is contagious. And the support from Accordance and the users is superb.


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