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basic question about tabs


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I was trying to rename a tab and accidentally closed it. I went to "File --> New Tab --> Recent Models" but it didn't list the tab I closed. Is there a way to undo a closed tab?

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Hi Kristin,


The best thing to do is go to "Open autosaved Session" and open the most recently saved session (I think Accordance autosaves every 5 minutes. If you have several workspaces open, sometimes, the easiest thing to do is close all the open ones, then go to the most recently (or second most recently) saved session. Hope that helps!

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Hi @Donald Cobb, Thank you for the response. That is a good point about the autosaved session. It sounds like that might be a good resource if something critical gets closed, but otherwise, I need to just consider that "reopen last closed tab" is just not normally an option, since I would likely lose other information in the process.


I don't intend to, but intended or not, my normal pattern is to have about 4 or 5 workspaces open, each with 5-10 tabs. So if I close a random tab, I would likely lose other information in the process going to an old autosaved session.


I appreciate the idea though and will remember that if I close something really important.


Take care,


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1 hour ago, Kristin said:


I don't intend to, but intended or not, my normal pattern is to have about 4 or 5 workspaces open, each with 5-10 tabs. So if I close a random tab, I would likely lose other information in the process going to an old autosaved session.



For better or worse, that's my habit as well. But that's not a problem. If you revert back to "Open saved workspace", it opens all workspaces that were open when the save was made. So if you click on that, you'll have all 5, or how many other workspaces, that will all open up. It's been a real source of relief for me on many occasions!


However, as I said--especially if you already have 5-6 workspaces open and want to use this function--it's better to close the current workspaces. Otherwise, you'll have your current workspaces that will remain open plus the ones that were saved opening back up, i.e. ten or so workspaces, most of which will be doubles!

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Thank you very much, Donald, and I will for sure remember this. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Reviving this and making a feature request for either:

1) Undo closed tab or restore closed tabo

2) have the option to 'lock' or 'freeze' a tab so that one would need to unlock it or confirm intent to close the tab

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