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Live Click Lexicon Lookup Bugs


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Reposting this from the Original Languages forum since there were no replies and it appears to be a bug.  When I click on a word in BHS for live-click lookup in the Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, the lexicon display (far right) unnecessarily duplicates the definition.  This can be bothersome, especially when scrolling through a longer definition, only to see the same lines repeated over again.  The electronic version of the lexicon itself (second screenshot) does not show this duplication -- it appears to be a bug in how live-click works.


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I don't think this is a bug.  When research finds something, each hit (red text) shows a certain amount of the surrounding context.  In the case of these short paragraphs, the surrounding context happens to contain the next instance of the word, which is also its own separate hit.

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Ignore this post: I was wrong.

Edited by jlm
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Alright, thanks Silas.  I guess this strikes me as a buggy outcome even if the behavior is intended.  That first screenshot just doesn't look right. 


I think that Accordance's desire to provide context is laudable and might be appropriate for research in monographs, but just isn't helpful for me or precise enough within entry-based lexical tools.  For that, I'll repeat what I said in my other recent post: 


I would prefer that the live-click lexical look-up feature just do the simple thing of looking up the word I've clicked on and displaying the lexical entry from the appropriate dictionaries in my library or from the subset of those dictionaries that I've chosen.

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