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Searching a combination of different parts of speech


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Hello there,


Can anyone tell me how to search a combination of different parts of speech, where each part of speech has a pronominal suffix? For instance, infinitive construct + noun with 2ms pronominal suffix + preposition with 2ms pronominal suffix.


Thanks in advance,


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Hi ya,


  So I created the searches for what I think you are looking for but I find no hits. If I open the construct up to within 5 I get some hits but with an additional intervening word. I am assuming you want all of this directly adjacent, thus : an infiinitive construct verb following directly by a noun with a 2ms pron suffix followed directly by a preposition with the same kind of suffix. If I'm wrong please try to explain again or give me an example case to work from. As Accordance treats the suffixes as separate words you will see multiple terms where you might have expected one with @ connectors.


  Here is the search box query string against the HMT-W4: 

‏ ‎[verb infinitiveconstruct]‏ ‎[noun]‏ ‎[suffix pronom masc singular second]‏ ‎[particle preposition]‏ ‎[suffix pronom singular second]‏


  Obviously it needs to be flipped to RTL to be run but you can type it all in and it will get in the right order.


  Here is the construct version.




  If you drop the WITHIN to 4 which is what it should be for completely adjacent words you will get now hits.




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Thank you very much for your response. Unfortunately this construction search didn't work in the Qumran non-biblical manuscripts. Do you know in which Hebrew, Aramaic or Syriac texts this search will work?



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I'm afraid I really don't know Gegham. It will depend upon the tagging. I don't have the Qumran materials or any Syriac to figure it out on. Hopefully someone who does can take a look.




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My Qumran non-biblical texts are tagged but this construction search didn't work on them. I just tried and it didn't work on Syriac OT neither, but worked on Targums. 

Is it possible to create and save specific construct searches for further use on other texts? Rather than creating the same search every time, I would just apply already saved search to any new text.




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Do you know how to search the verbs that occur in two specific Hebrew, Aramaic or Syriac stems? For instance, I need to search the verbs that occur only in Piel and Hiphil in Hebrew or in Pael and Aphel in Syriac. Thanks.

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On 5/31/2021 at 8:25 PM, gegham73 said:

My Qumran non-biblical texts are tagged but this construction search didn't work on them. I just tried and it didn't work on Syriac OT neither, but worked on Targums. 

Is it possible to create and save specific construct searches for further use on other texts? Rather than creating the same search every time, I would just apply already saved search to any new text.





You can save the workspace and that will save the construct. You can open a new tab with a different text and link that to the construct or change the text in the existing tab to search a different text. However, as you found above the tags may not be the same between the texts.




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2 hours ago, gegham73 said:



Do you know how to search the verbs that occur in two specific Hebrew, Aramaic or Syriac stems? For instance, I need to search the verbs that occur only in Piel and Hiphil in Hebrew or in Pael and Aphel in Syriac. Thanks.


For Hebrew and the principle should apply to Aramaic and Syriac searches (he says waving hands furiously).




Something like the above ?


You may also be interested in a crib sheet I wrote up one time on searching in Hebrew in Acc. http://47rooks.com/language-software/accordance-bible-software/search-crib-sheets/hebrew-search-cribs/




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Thanks for the post and the link, Daniel. That was definitely helpful and I learned one more important thing today. 

However, I was asking about searching for the verbs that occur only in two specific stems and never in other stems. Like the verbs that occur only in Piel and Hiphil but NEVER in Qal, Niphal, Paul, and Hithpael. For instance, I checked and אבד occurs in Qal stem as well. So, this search formula gives the list of verbs that occur in Piel and Hiphil, but the same time at least some of them occur in other stems as well.




Edited by gegham73
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Ooops - missed the "only". Sorry. I initially thought this was doable enough but it turns out that I cannot get it to exclude the terms the way I want. I've tried a bunch of stuff but haven't cracked it yet. If I have another idea for an approach I'll let you know. Hopefully someone else has a way to do this.




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Ok - progress. It's not too hard to get things that have either Piel, Hifil or both. If you want just those verbs with both that is going to be harder.


You need 2 tabs both HMT for Hebrew case. In the first tab find all VERBs with forms other than Hifil and Piel.

In the second tab find all verbs and subtract any hits that were found in the first tab. Open an analysis tab for this second tab and you'll see the hits. If you Customize Display ... on that Analysis tab you can add the Stem and see which are Hifil, which Piel and which both.


First tab query:


 [VERB (passiveHifal, qal, nifal, pual, hitpael, hofal, passiveQal, palel, Hpealal, pilel, pilpel, polel, poel, tifil, polal, polpal, pulal, poal, hotpaal, hitpolel, hitpalpel, hishtafel, nitpael, nitpalpel, nitpoel, hitpoel, Bqal, Bpiel, Bnifal, Bhitpael, BpassivePiel, passivePiel, hithpaal,hithpeel,hithpolel, hophal, ishtaphel, ithpaal, ithpeel,ithpoel,pael,peal,peil, apolel,saphel,shaphel,aphel,haphel,hishtaphel)]


Second tab query : [verb] @- [HITS <name of tab1>]




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Thanks for taking time and composing this long command line. This one definitely looks harder. I will work with this and let you know if I have a question.




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  • 3 weeks later...


When searching a construct, is there a way to indicate that the construct is a complete sentence/unit NOT a part of a long sentence/unit? 



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Hey ya, There are two ways to restrict a query to a sentence. The first is using sentence Scope from the Scope option on the search pane for the text. There are three options for search, Range, Scope and Bracketed words. Hit the plus in the circle icon at the right hand end of the search box. Then select the Range pull down and change to Scope and select Sentence from the other pull down. If the construct represents full sentence that will prevent it going across sentences. However it won't prevent it finding smaller sections within a sentence. The other was is to use the syntax module and expressly use a N independent clause at the top of the construction. The syntax modules are separate modules, and they only apply to the NT (Greek) or OT (Hebrew).




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