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Thomas Oden's Systematic Theology — Classic Christianity (and other Wesleyan oriented works)


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Oden's Classic Christianity is mentioned in a couple other threads but didn't have its own Feature Request.


Just wanted to mention I was in a seminary class this past week at Asbury Theological Seminary and marketed Accordance to my neighbors.  A number of folks saw me using it and asked if I was using Logos.  They all were aware of Logos but had never heard about Accordance.  That said, a couple mentioned they had tried Logos and didn't really like it.  One said he would give Accordance a try — I'll keep doing my part!   :D  


Asbury is one of the top 5 largest seminaries (of any theological background) in the US, and very Wesleyan.  It might be worth trying to get some of the texts that are required for classes there (like Thomas Oden's Systematic Theology) and / or market to Asbury Theological Seminary (my class was just down the road from Oaktree in Orlando).  I think the market there, particularly in times of COVID, would be very responsive to Accordance.




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I'd love to see this title come to Accordance. It's probably my favorite Protestant systematic theology. 


Also, I'm moving this discussion to the module requests section.

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Ooops... sorry about that!

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It has been about a year since the original post and there seems to have been some interest in this.  Wondering if there was any possibility we may see this in the future?

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Classic Christianity has been on our acquisitions list. I've just given it a bump.

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  • 3 months later...

Bump. Is getting this a possibility?

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I'd love to see this come to Accordance also. Great book.

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All I can say right now is that it looks like Oden's "Classic Christianity" will be coming fairly soon. 

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14 minutes ago, Mark Allison said:

All I can say right now is that it looks like Oden's "Classic Christianity" will be coming fairly soon. 



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@R. Mansfield Anything you want to tease us with?!?!?! 😉

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