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Control when Book Abbreviations are use


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New Feature Requested:  In Analytics - Concordance, under the gear Icon, allow user to override setting in Preferences-Text Display as to whether to abbreviate Book names.


Rationale:  Currently Accordance displays in concordance the option chosen for how to display book name.  If Abbreviate book name has been set (checked) the Concordance output look "pretty" for most fonts sizes (very small to very large).  However, if full book names are used, no matter what the font size, the output is not pretty as the longer book names exceed the length allocated for their column and hence the lack of "prettiness."  


One could argue — just abbreviate books all the time in Concordance displayed results.  While this does address the "prettiness" — it denies a user the ability to produce a concordance handout for people who don't know or share the same set of abbreviations that Accordance uses (e.g., new students to the Bible).


It is for this class of users/students in my classes that I always spell out book name in references, especially when book name is for a non Protestant Bible books (Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, etc.).


This brings me to part 2 of this request:


New Features Requested For Get Verse (CMD-OPT-A on a Mac):  I would like to have a option to have the full book name used in the results returned from Get Verse.  Likewise, I would like to control how the returned verses are displayed when pasted, (i.e., as individual verses or in paragraphs – with or without space).  These options are set in Preferences for Display Texts in general and can be further set as a default for each specific text.  I am not aware of how to control this for the Get Verse functionality, as the result I am getting do not match my set preferences for the text fetched, nor my text in general.  Hence why I would like to see the ability to set this preference somewhere within Accordance's Preference dialog.





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