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Book Abbreviations

eric in redding

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I know Accordance only needs enough of a book typed in so that it is able to distinguish which book you desire to open (like "gen" for Genesis). However, Philippians and Philemon have the same first 4 letters. Yet, if I type "phil" Accordance opens Philippians and not Philemon. What am I getting at? I have a custom user tool where all the abbreviations for Philippians are php and all the abbreviations for Philemon are phm. Neither of these abbreviations work in Accordance. Is there a way to add abbreviations to Accordance so it knows what book I am referring to? Or, are there other 3 letter abbreviations for those 2 books that I have not thought of that Accordance recognizes?



Accordance recognized Phlm for Philemon.


Thank you! That is a bit easier than "phile".

I have a custom user tool where all the abbreviations for Philippians are php and all the abbreviations for Philemon are phm.

I am guessing that this is something you have imported.


I'd make a copy of your original just to be safe, but then load it into a text editor and do a search/replace for it. I use BBEDIT to do lots of this kind of thing for stuff I've been importing because it is very powerful with it's regular expression search/replace options. I think that the TextWrangler program, which is a free program similar to BBEDIT (made by the same people), has enough power to do what you'd need as well.




Hope that is helpful, but probably far easier than trying to make Accordance fit one or two odd works with non-standard abbreviations.




Hey thanks Steve! As I was thinking over how to make all the changes I looked and Accordance has a find and replace all feature. So I was able to change all the Philippians references to phil in no time. Unfortunately, it still did not turn them into links so I am doing that manually.


And yes, it is a tool that I imported. Pretty nice feature that I did not know Accordance did. Those videos that Dr J did are very helpful!


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