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Searching on cantillation marks


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Is it possible to search on cantillation marks? I'd like to search for verses that have the athnach within the first 3 or 4 words of the verse.



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The easiest way to search for cantillation marks is to use the period wildcard symbol. Enter a period, then enter the atnah character. The period tells Accordance to find the character which immediately follows (in this case, the atnah).


To find where this character is within four words of the beginning of the verse, just add a WITHIN command, followed by a FIELD command, and choose Begin in the dialog which appears.


Hope this helps.


Forgot to mention: the easiest way to enter the atnah character is by opening the Character palette from the Window menu. Find the symbol on the palette and then click to insert it in your Search window.

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For what it's worth, the ‏אתנח can be entered with the opt-1 key combination (the Character palette shows the keyboard equivalents for each character at the bottom).

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