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Eerdman's Dictionary search fields incongruity

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I know this might just be material for a correction report, but I do not think so because the formatting of the text seems correct in the Table of Contents.


When I search for “altar” in the search field “entry” and for “Gen 12:7” in the search field “Scripture”, I get the error message: “These words (or verse references) were not found in the tool “Eerdmans Dictionary”.” However, that Scripture reference is found within that dictionary entry, so why couldn't Accordance find it?


It seems to have to do with the fact that this entry is one of the Eerdmans Dictionary entries that also has “titles” within the entry. Genesis 12:7 is under the title “Biblical Evidence”. So if I change the first search field to “Title” and search for “biblical”, then the search is successful. 


This does not make sense however because Genesis 12:7 is found within the entry “Altar” and should come up when I run a search with those two search fields. Obviously, no one will ever run a search for “biblical” in the title field with Genesis 12:7 in the scripture field, but someone might, if amplifying for example, search for Genesis 12:7 in the scripture field and for “altar” in the entry field, but that search would incorrectly yield no results in Eerdmans. 


The same problem occurs when I try to do a entry + scripture search in the New Bible Commentary. 


In the New Bible Commentary also, the entry on “altar” has titles and sub-titles. Here not even the title works in combination with the scripture reference, only the sub-title works. (In the New Bible Commentary entries, titles and subtitles are all in the search field “Entry” and not in two different search fields like in Eerdmans Dictionary.) I have to search “patriarchs” in the entry field with Gen 8:20 in the scripture field to obtain the result I should I have found searching for “altar” in the entry field. 


This is definitely a bug. I can't imagine this being a deliberate feature. 

Same problem with ISBE. 

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