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Keeps Crashing when Running Research


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4 hours ago, Carol Kankelborg said:

I recently moved Accordance over to a new Macbook Pro with M1 Pro silicon. I am running Accordance 13.3.2 on MacOS 12.2.1. A Research search for [All Tools] crashes Accordance consistently, even after rebuliding the research cache. I went through your steps. It failed on a User Tool (probably downloaded from the Accordance repository of user tools eons ago): Greek roots.acc7. I removed that file and Research no longer crashes.


As for Accordance's stability, I have found it reasonably stable on the Mac over the years up until 13.2. With that release Accordance began complaining that it needed unlock codes for modules, listing modules that were installed as available to install in Easy Install, and crashing much more often. (All this before moving to my new laptop.)

 (iOS is a different story -- it would crashing far too often and I lost too many edits to user notes such that I gave up using it for sermon notes -- but after the early years it has become much more dependable.)

It seems you have a corrupt file! I talk from experience. I had this too.


Try to search a random word, which comes nearly in every Text / Tools. For example "God". Now limit the Research to a category. Find the category which crashes. Then find the module which is corrupt. Delete it and load it new via Easy Install.



Hint: By running Research [All Tools]  you see a little bit when the crashes comes. Search there first.

Hint 2: If you have Accordance fresh installed and downloaded all the stuff from Accordance, not moved over from the old Mac. Was there a module which made problems by installing in Accordance. If so then this will be the corrupt one. 



Edited by Fabian
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