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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT & OT Words

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No, Mounce is not a replacement.  I just checked Mounce on Daniel 4:17 where it is said that God puts the basest (KJV) or lowest (ASV) of men on the throne.  When I checked Mounce in Accordance, neither basest nor lowest (nor base nor low) brought up the Hebrew word for it & its meaning.  The intro to Mounce says like, "Not just keyed to KJV."  Well, Mounce does not include all the KJV words which you would want to look up. And a work like this should at least have the KJV words, good as it is to add other versions.  To find the Mounce entry, I had to go & find the Hebrew word & paste it into the search with Hebrew selected. Then it came up; but that largely defeats the purpose of a Vine's Expository Dictionary.


So I was disappointed to find that Mounce was not a substitute & improvement on Vine.  Now I see Vine on Ebay for about $11 in print, but it can be a convenience to have it included in Accordance.


So, I request that Vine be an Accordance module.  Aside from being a tool for those who don't know the original languages, Vine's interpretations are in themselves valuable. 


@Enoch & @Richard

This has been asked before on this forum. I would also have this reference work in accordance. Vine is somewhat outdated, but still useful for reference.And as an addition to Mounce and Renn.


Vine belonged to the same movement as the well known F.F. Bruce (Open Brethren) and the two knew each other.



Posted (edited)

Thanks for the response, Gentlemen.   I was a student of F. F. Bruce at U of Manchester.  

I think of Bruce & Vine as having had quite different approaches to scripture.

Vine has been around a while -- and I don't know how much of the OT was done by him.  But I don't know of any lexicographer who has improved on him with regard to listing English Bible words and giving original language meanings under those English head words.  I was thinking Mounce would be such and was disappointed. Vine gives much more than glosses.

Edited by Enoch

Would love to see Vine's. 


Good news, Enoch: we have Vine’s under contract with Harper Collins. No word yet on when it will be completed and released. 

  • 3 months later...

Great news indeed! Vine's Dictionary is available. Thanks folks!


Great news! Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT & NT Words is now available for Accordance! And for a limited time, you can get an introductory discount of $7.99--that's 81% off the regular price!

Is there a prize for finding the typo in the screenshot? A φοῖνιξ might be useful to a tekton, but it's not the same word.


Is there a prize for finding the typo in the screenshot? A φοῖνιξ might be useful to a tekton, but it's not the same word.


Yep. You win a virtual, in-name-only, Accordance typo finder merit badge. That's an interesting error. I'd be very interested to know if that's an error that was in the files we received because I cannot imagine how we could have introduced it. However, better than a print version once again, this is something we can correct and you will be able to update on your devices!


Yes, the error was in the original files we received from the publisher. We thought we caught them all. :-(


We'll have an update asap.

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Please bring the Spanish version of Vine’s. The Spanish catalog could definitely use a boost with this. Thanks!

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

@Enoch & @Richard

This has been asked before on this forum. I would also have this reference work in accordance. Vine is somewhat outdated, but still useful for reference.And as an addition to Mounce and Renn.


Vine belonged to the same movement as the well known F.F. Bruce (Open Brethren) and the two knew each other.




Please bring the Spanish version of Vine’s. The Spanish catalog could definitely use a boost with this. Thanks!


@Enoch & @Richard

This has been asked before on this forum. I would also have this reference work in accordance. Vine is somewhat outdated, but still useful for reference.And as an addition to Mounce and Renn.


Vine belonged to the same movement as the well known F.F. Bruce (Open Brethren) and the two knew each other.



Hans you opine how Vine is somewhat outdated???  My POV is different.  The modern substitutions are outdated!  Modern commentaries & dictionaries are written by modern men.  Modern men are Classical Language outdated!  at least mostly.  Whom do you want for an opinion on the meaning of a Greek verse?  A man from halcyon days when student learned Greek as children & studied the Greek classics as children, as in Ye Olde English "public" (which means "private") schools, or do you want a man whose school time was spent learning PC-behavior in high schools & can't even write cursive & how to do things I won't mention? doesn't know that 7 + 8 = 15 without counting it on the fingers?  


Thus I prefer the American Standard Version, the fruit (I take it) of Oxford & Cambridge 19th century scholars who made the RV in 1881, ASV with improvements put out in 1901.  And I prefer Alford's Greek Testament with the Greek at the top of the page to a modern commentary (in general).


So, my inclination would be to consider the new supposed substitute for Vine's as outdated.  Once in a blue moon you might find some modern textual discovery to be significant.  Mostly what I value is knowledge of Greek & grammar.

Edited by Enoch

Great news! Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT & NT Words is now available for Accordance! And for a limited time, you can get an introductory discount of $7.99--that's 81% off the regular price!

SOLD!  I bought it today!


Someone needs to proofread all of the Hebrew words because the spelling of so many are corrupted.

For eg, see the word "witness"  which appears as עלד when the word is  עד.

There are others--too many to innumerate here.


Someone needs to proofread all of the Hebrew words because the spelling of so many are corrupted.

For eg, see the word "witness"  which appears as עלד when the word is  עד.

There are others--too many to innumerate here.


Yes, there were a lot of errors in the files we received from the publisher. We've finished proofreading the NT portion of this resource and released update 1.1 to reflect those changes. We're currently working on the OT portion, and will have an update asap.

  • Like 3

Thank you Mark for your quick response!  I look forward to the update on the תנ"ך

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