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Funny holem problem with Acc and SIL keyboard

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Hi ya,


  In chasing down some stuff in https://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/28261-searching-for-words-with-specific-letters/ I ran into an issue with the holem over the א.When typing this on the SIL mapping in Accordance the holem appears over the top right of the א not the top left as you would expect. Curiously Accordance appears to know the difference as it instead of accepting the exact inflected form pops up a list to choose the correct form from. It would seem it's inserting a different code point. Oddly if I use other characters I get the holem in the right place. In addition if I type it here in Firefox I also get the right positioning. So using a large font size for clarity you can see below I can type this here correctly:




but in Accordance the same keystrokes on the same keyboard mapping get :





This happens on both Mac and Windows. I'm using High Sierra on Mac and Windows 10 and Acc 13.0.4 on both.


Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug here ?





This happens in most word processors I know of as well. I usually can never get the vowels to line up right


Actually it's fine in LibreOffice. It seems this is peculiar to Acc.





Hey דניאל,


It works in Word and Mellel in OSX, and in Classical Text Editor and Nota Bene in Windows. I'm using the Ezra SIL font.






Hey Michel, right I don't think the word processors are all that bad on this one it seems. Have you tried in Acc in the search box ? I actually don't know what display font is used in the search box. That said, as I mentioned before it looks like Acc's actually using a different code. If I cut and paste a correct form אֹת from somewhere into the search box it works. And the computer cannot see the glyphs. It just sees the codepoints. So I suspect there is an actually character encoding related issue here. Oh I have an idea for a test.





I just checked for you in OSX, in the Go to box in a construct search, and whether I type it in Accordance or paste it from Word, the holem is on the top right arm.


Thanx. I just did the same from LibreOffice with the same result. Hmmm..... I also pasted it from the incorrect form in Acc and this rendered interestingly in LO. It looks as if the holem rendered over a space to the right of the aleph. Ah indeed it is.


Ok so pasted into LO in the middle of a line so the margin doesn't get in the way I see:





So I think what's happening is that the aleph and the combining char are being put in the wrong way around.




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