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Split Screen issue with Pages and Accordance bottom menu bars.

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Is there a workaround to the situation I have attached in this picture?  I am on iOS 13.3 on an iPad Pro.  In my study I have Pages on one side and Accordance on the other.  Every time I need to move around on the split screen in Accordance I have to move my Pages app bottom tool menu to get to the menu in Accordance.  I looked through the forum and did not see any obvious topics on this but please point me to them if you know where they are.  This is either a problem with Pages and their own tool bar creeping over to other apps, or another work around would be for Accordance to have the ability to move the location of the bottom menu.  Thank you.



So, I can look into this, but I've got a couple of questions for you. 1) Does this issue go away if Accordance occupies >= 50% of the screen? 2) Not sure what your workflow is in creating this split screen, so I'd love to know that. But also what happens when you reverse the app dragged on top of the other.


Thanks for taking the time to look into this.  I realize it is more a convenience issue than anything.  I will answer your questions below...


1) The issue is there regardless of which app occupies more of the screen or which one I open first.  I tried Accordance with the whole screen and then adding Pages to the right side instead of left, even at .25 of the screen but as the screenshot attached shows, the bottom toolbar of Pages takes up the entirety of the bottom screen (100%).  


2) My workflow is to copy the UBS to my Pages/Sermon template and then make my own translation below.  So I go back and forth between the Greek of UBS (getting the verb parsing and definitions) and then back to my study work in Pages for sermon prep.  The issue comes in if I need to go to another resource like a dictionary or something else which then I need to close the Pages toolbar and hit the library menu button in Accordance.  Even my instant details are partially obscured by the Pages toolbar (screenshot attached).


Hope that gives clarity,






This might be a workaround for you. When you want to get to the library icon at the bottom of the Accordance pane, touch the gray bar at the top center of the pane and drag it down slightly as though you were going to slide it off screen. However, just move it down slightly and release it. The Pages toolbar should disappear allowing access to what you want but will reappear when you start to edit Pages again. The Pages toolbar on my iPad appears slightly different from yours but I don't know why, perhaps a different keyboard? Anyway, it works as described on my iPad pro.

I hope this helps, at least a little.




Thanks Don.  I tried long holding the gray bar (on mine at the bottom of the screen) but nothing.  On the far right there is a down arrow which does allow me to hide the Pages tool menu bar so that I can get to the Accordance library menu icon.  Same thing as you though, as soon as I start typing in Pages the Pages tool bar on the bottom is back.  I am using a Logi Slim Combo attached keyboard for typing perhaps that is the difference in the toolbar appearance difference.  Thanks for trying to help!

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