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Sync issues in macOS Catalina Betas


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Along with my earlier post about downloading crashes, I'm also having problems syncing Accordance with my iPhone.


After installing the macOS Catalina Beta, at first Accordance would refuse to sync certain types of module.  Texts, Dictionaries, Greek and Hebrew lexicons and grammars and a few other modules would sync fine; but Commentaries, Histories, Writings (authors), Graphics Modules (Atlases, etc.) would refuse to sync.


As of the last two Betas, Accordance won't sync at all.  It puts up this error message: 


"There was an error while Accordance tried to encode the data 'CSB17S.atext' to send to the connected device. Please contact technical support to help you resolve this issue."


Since, understandably, Accordance Support cannot provide support for my installation on macOS Beta software, this is not an option. 


As with the previous post, I bring this up mainly as a heads-up to make users aware of a potential issue ahead of the official release of macOS 10.15 Catalina.



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My apologies.  This issue has been fixed via a simple System Preferences setting.


Thank you!



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