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Split screen interlinear panel loses breakdowns when scrolling


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Whenever I use the GNT as my second panel and scroll synced up from the first panel, the GNT interlinear function drops all the breakdown info (part of speech, strong’s number, etc.). If I scroll from the second panel, no issues, but my brain has been so accustomed to starting in English that I instinctively scroll fr9m the first panel if I am not actively focused on it. It’s not a huge thing, but it takes away the intuitiveness of the app.


To correct it I have to go back to the settings and toggle off interlinear, then toggle it back on.

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Thanks for the report. I believe I've identified the issue and will have a fix available in our next release.

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Thanks for the report. I believe I've identified the issue and will have a fix available in our next release.

The developers are the reason Accordance is so amazingly spectacular as a Bible app! I love that you find issues AND fix them. So many other apps concentrate on new features to the point that resolving bugs becomes a lower priority. And yet the efforts in fixing bugs doesn’t stop the introduction of features. It’s rare that the developers are so in tune with the community they serve. I have been sharing with my friends at church and in other ministries about how great this app is for the last three or four years, and this is just another reason why the app is worth promoting.


I actually do 90% of my Bible work from my iPad Pro, so this is wonderful that your found it so fast.

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