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Crash when opening Accordance iOS by URL


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I've delayed reporting this because I stil haven't found way to reproduce it, but I think it's time to let you know. Sometimes when I tap on an accord:// URL in another app to open a resource in Accordance, Accordance crashes. At that point it's repeatable: I can tap on the URL in the other app again and I'll see the Accordance splash screen, and then it will immediately crash, without displaying any content. Tapping yet again will crash Accordance another time.


When this happens, Accordance already has at least one text or tool view open besides the base one (i.e., these extra views have a back arrow at the top). When Accordance is in this state (in which an accord: URL from another app will make crash), it's possible to avoid the crash by opening Accordance normally (with its icon), using the back arrow(s) to get to the base text or tool view, and then returning to the other app to tap the URL. Accordance will then open the resource without crashing.


I tried to create a reproducible case yesterday without success: it's not enough for there to simply be a stack of views. There must be something else to it.


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