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The text “ESVi” is not currently available to Accordance.


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I just bought Accordance a few weeks ago, first trying the free version then buying and Easy Installing the Greek & Hebrew Discoverer package. At that point, since it came with a better ESV, I deleted the free ESV from the library list — don’t need both.


Now, every time I scroll through a text window, each verse, I get an error dialog (twice): The text “ESVi” is not currently available to Accordance.


Did I delete something wrong? I used the “Delete” from the contextual menu in the library pane, which seemed like the right way to do it.


Mac Version 12.3.1; Mac OS 12.14.2


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Mmmh a common bug. 


I had it ones, a friend had it. But I have just to start my brain to remember how I solved it. I'm not sure but try:


Shut down Accordance,  press [alt] and make a restart. Then choose "clean library cache" and restart. See if that helps.





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Try running the Setup Assistance again (Help > Setup Assistant) and remove any references to ESVi. Also make sure your Preferences don't link to it somewhere.

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Setup assistant didn't help, and no reference to ESVi in preferences that I can find. 


Clearing the cache & resetting text settings, I get this, which is much more annoying:


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EDIT: Sorry, I now see you clearly said it was the library pane, my bad.

Edited by Silas Marrs
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This happens when scrolling through any text window?


Does the info pane being open/closed make any difference?


Does instant details being open/closed make any difference?


Sorry for all the questions, trying to figure out where this is originating in the code.

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Yes, any text window.


Closing info pane and reopening it seems to have fixed it.  :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the same problem and was sure there were no reference to ESVi in preferences. Then I found out, that the Info Pane Display has it's separate settings (the gear wheel in the Info Pane) - and there I found a reference to ESVi. After I changed that reference and saved the settings as default, it works fine again.

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