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#176 Accordance 12.3 Overview


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Many thanks for the video.


But I don't agree with the statement: "... This means no more accidentally orphan contents ...".


Through the inconsistency habit of Accordance there are still orphan contents. If I copy-paste from Stacks.


Due to my small 13" screen I try to NOT use the drag and drop in Accordance. I prefer the post-32723-0-16504900-1547280643.png


As you can see in the image. 

post-32723-0-96414300-1547280824_thumb.png we have still orphan contents by copying from the stacks. 
Please develop the ability to copy from the Stacks to Paper with the Bibliography.
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Hi, Fabian!


Thanks for the report. Please report the issue to technical support. Meanwhile, try drag and drop. See if the information transfers using that method. It will help tech support narrow the issue.

Edited by Timothy Jenney
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  • 6 months later...



I'm not sure if this should be addressed with 12.3.5, as I understand the release notes it should. 


But sorry to say this it doesn't work.





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  • 3 months later...



If you think it is a good idea just simply eliminate the copy icon from the stacks in the hope Fabian doesn't recognize it, then you are wrong.


Add the copy icon again and make it functional with a copy that include the citation!!!



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You found an interesting bug Fabian. The copy icon definitely disappears in Dark Mode.

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