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Holman Bible Dictionary - Pronunciation Key missing

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I just updated to 8.05 today. I installed an upgrade to Library 8, Introductory a couple of days ago. This afternoon I was reading through the beginning of the Holman Bible Dictionary, in order to become more familiar with the resource. I discovered that the Key to Pronunciation table is empty. I can see the title (Key to Pronunciation) and the headers for each column (Mark, Example, Sign). But then there is just a lot of empty space until the Contributors section.


If I select this area, the selection appears as three vertical blue columns, with narrow spaces between them.


Curiously, if I copy this apparent blank selection and paste into another program, I get this:


ā dāy, lāy ay

ă hăt, căt a

ä äre, fär ah

â câre, fâre e, eh

a (unmarked) call aw

ȧ ȧfraid u, uh



I've tried changing the font for the display of this tool, as well as background color, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. I don't have any duplicate fonts.


Unfortunately I can't tell you if this was the case before updating to 8.05 or not.



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While I was working on the post above, Accordance crashed. (The third crash in three days; not my typical experience with Accordance.) I forgot to recheck the Holman Dictionary after Accordance restarted. I just did, and now the table contents appear. So, maybe a fluke?


In terms of the crashes, I have Classic running at the moment, and I probably did during the last crash as well. (Classic is up to run a different app, unrelated to Accordance). I don't know if that's related or not. All three recent crash logs indicate that thread 0 crashed, and include the line Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001). The Codes (in the line following Exception:) are slightly different for each crash.


I can get you the logs if that's helpful, but at this point I can't give you a precise reproducible test case.



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