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Preference Transfer

Paul Meiklejohn

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I mostly use Accordance on my Macbook Pro. When I came to update my iMac to Acc-Prem Library, I thought it would be good to have the same layout and library listings as my MBPro so I copied the folders:


user/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences folder

user/Documents/Accordance Files

I then did a fresh Acc 8.02 install.


Now I get two warnings when trying open.


The file


The file types of the settings were lost in the transfer. Either try again to copy them, or use Joe Weaks' Fixer. The Module Installation log can just be trashed.


Helen, you were quite right, the files did not copy properly. I originally transferred the folders via FTP using 'Transmit'; for some reason, all the data did not carry. I had to copy them over manually by disk. Accordance is now working, and identical on both computers.


Thank you so much.




Hi Paul,


I have a couple of additional comments related to preference files.


1. Copying preferences


I am suprised you lost the file types when copying (I assume you copied from your MacBookPro to iMac via a local network connection). Another way to copy preferences and to maintain file types is to compress the folder before copying. Simply right click on the Accordance Preferences folder (on your MacBookPro) and choose 'Compress "Accordance Preferences"' (it might be 'Archive "Accordance Preferences"' on OSX 10.4 ). Copy the compressed file to the appropriate folder on the iMac (~/Library/Preferences/), delete the old Accordance Preferences folder and double click on the compressed file.


2. Syncing preferences


The Accordance Help files have a couple of sections on preference files:


Accordance Help > Setting Up > Preference Files


Accordance Help > Setting Up > Multiple Users


If you are trying to maintain two machines, then you could take advantage of the way Accordance shares preferences with multiple users. (Accordance Help > Setting Up > Multiple Users > II. Preferences )


So, if you like your Library Layout then you can set this layout as the 'Master' copy by replacing the main Accordance preferences on both machines with the MacBookPro user preferences. The way to make your layout available to Accordance users (on each machine) is to delete the users ~/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences folder and run Accordance when logged in as that user. (Accordance copies missing files from the main folder each time it is run)


This could also help if there are any future problems (like file corruption)..

Backing up Accordance



Read through the help sections and let us know if there are any questions..




Mike, these are excellent tips.


It was indeed the file types that had changed during upload (in fact all the preference files had changed). I'm not too sure why; is it because 'transmit doesn't upload hidden files?


Anyway compressing the folder seems like an obvious and easy way to send the files and keep them intact at the same time.


I'm intrigued to experiment with your 'multiple user' suggestions. I'll need to read your reply a few times along with the help files to get my head around it. It'll be next week before I can give it any more attention. I may contact you personally if I get stuck on anything. Don't worry if you can't give me personal replies, I can always throw my questions out to the forum. Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed response.


Paul M.


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