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John MacArthurs SB Reading Plan Problem


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Before the last update I used to be able to read the morning or evening daily Bible reading. For example, if it was 5pm I could hit the "up arrow" (located at the bottom center of the app) and switch to the mornings reading (New Testament). This also applies to the morning as well, I could switch to that evenings reading (Old Testament) along with any other days reading (yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc). However, ever since the update if its morning time (before 12:00pm) I can only select the morning portion of reading. The same applies to the evening reading. I am not sure if this is a feature or a bug. If its a feature could Accordance please revert back to the OLD style where the user is free to read the morning or evening on any given day? If its a bug, any idea how to fix this?


- In Christ

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You can open the title from the General modules section, and browse it as you wish. However, you are not the only one to complain of this change, so I am sure the devs will take notice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you, hope this gets changed back to the way it was.

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