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Option Click and Subtitle levels

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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In previous versions of Accordance, if I was editing a user tool, when I option clicked on a line below one already containing a subtitle number, the subtitle number in the new line was set to the same number as the preceding number.


In Accordance 8, however, when I option-click, the line is always given a subtitle level of 1, regardless of the subtitle level set above it. I have to keep option-clicking to get to the desired subtitle level.


Was this an intentional change or a bug?


If it was intentional, note that the Help file still describes the earlier behavior:


Pressing the option key while clicking in the margin changes the cursor to T+ and creates a subtitle indicated by a numeral. The first level of subtitles are marked with a 1, option-clicking again raises the level, while shift-option-clicking changes the cursor to T- and lowers it. Option-clicking on another line below a subtitle starts with the same level as the previous subtitle.



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Thanks, Helen!



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For the record, 8.0.2 has corrected this issue! Thanks much



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