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Managing Modules in Library


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I find that my ability to modify the arrangement of the modules in my library is very limited. I want to move a number of modules to different categories (e.g., from "General Tools" to "Reference Tools"). I can't drag & drop a module from one category to the next. Also, if I delete a module from the library in General Tools, hit "update," then select Reference Tools, and then click "add new module," it doesn't work. The module that I had deleted from "General Tools" comes back to "General Tools" again. It won't appear in "Reference Tools" no matter what. Am I doing something wrong?


By the way, the help screen for this topic in version 8 seems to be broken; it just comes up as "file not found."

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No, you can't move a tool from one tool category to the other. The categories are determined by the actual structure of the tool itself. English tools are organized by English alphabet, and so consist of English Bible dictionaries, topical resources, etc. Greek and Hebrew Tools are organized by Greek and Hebrew alphabets respectively. Reference tools refers to tools which are organized by verse reference: that is, in biblical book, chapter, and verse order. It does not, as you may be assuming, refer to any "reference work." Finally, General tools are those which do not fit the other four categories, such as theologies organized by theological topic, devotionals arranged by date, etc.


That said, while you can not break these five basic categories of Tools, you can combine tools from different categories in the Favorites section of the Resource palette and Library.

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The Help window works fine for me when the Library window is in front. You can also find it in the Setting up section.

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