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No Matthew Henry Complete after Lib-7 Premier Install


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I've been having work-stoppage level troubles with what had became a corrupted copy of Accordance. For example, clicking on tabs in a workspace would crash the app as would clicking on "print" from the menu. Being a Mac newbie, I presumed I was doing something wrong or had somehow corrupted the Mac equivalent of the Windows OS registry.


So, I eradicated Accordance, via AppCleaner, and then ran the Onyx application maintenance scripts.


After a fresh reboot, I attempted to reinstall my Accordance Library 7 Premier package.


The following details relate both the order in which I installed the various CD applications (I attempted to install them in oldest to newest order according to the Accordance level stamped on each CD) and the results of my various attempts to reach Accordance Library 7 (program upgraded to 8.0.1) working pastor happiness.


Project: Reinstall What Has Become a "Bad" copy of Accordance

a) Cannot print w/out having the application dismissed

B) Cannot click on tabs w/out having the application dismissed

c) Cannot start new session w/out having an "end of session file" error?


1) Lib-7 CD

a) Select the "Premier Level"

B) Change the install location to "applications"

c) Note:

i) Verify Matthew Henry full is actually installed after running

ii) Verify GNT-TRS is as above, also

d) NOTE: both the above were missing after running a "Premier Level" install!


2) Lib-7 Installer 2

a) & B) same as above


3) Bible Reference (Release 3)

a) & B) same as above


4) Bible Unlock (3)

a) Select "Standard Install"

B) ESV (unlock code from my "lists")

c) TNIV (same as B)

d) Change install location to "applications"


5) Bible Lands PhotoGuide (Accordance v. 6.9.1)

a) Easy install

B) Change install location to "applications"


6) Atlas 2 (CD's 1 and 2) (Accordance v. 6.9.1)

a) and B) same as above

B) NOTE: don't forget "B)" for the second CD!


7) HALOT (Accordance v. 6.9.2)

a) and B) same as above


8) BDAG Release 3 (Accordance v. 7.2.1)

a) and B) same as above


9) IVP Essential Reference Collection (Mac v. 2.0, Accordance v. 7.4)

a) and B) same as above


10) TimeLine (from download site at Accordance)

a) and B) same as above


11) Accordance 8.0.1 Upgrade Install (from download site at Accordance)

a) New installer went directly to the "applications" folder

B) provided the upgrade key and all went well


12) Installed the AccUpdater Widget


13) Ran Accordance for the first time

a) Did not set any preferences

B) Will do this after running the AccUpdater


14) Ran AccUpdater

a) Selected "all updates"

B) Automatically downloaded and installed

c) Dismissed


15) Set preferences

a) Organized Library

B) Saved backup session


16) Attempted to print

a) dismissed the application


17) Both the Matthew Henry (full) and GNT-TRS were missing

a) Reinstalled as "Standard" install (applications folder again)

i) Selected Matthew Henry (full)

ii) Selected GNT-TRS

iii) Selected Classic I

B) Reinstalled as "Premier Level" install (applications folder again)

i) Selected Basic group

ii) " NAS group

iii) " NET group

iv) " Manuals and Docs

v) " GNT-TRS

vi) " Matt Henry (full)


18) Accordance 8.0.1 Upgrade Install (from download site at Accordance)

a) New installer went directly to the "applications" folder


19) GNT-TRS is now available


20) Matthew Henry (complete) still missing


Joyfully About Our Father's Business,



(Psalm 100)


At the end of a long and busy Accordance seminar there is no way I can follow what you did. I can recommend that you upgrade to the new primary DVD which includes all the Library, Scholars, Bible Unlock, and Bible Reference modules , plus a lot that is new.

At the end of a long and busy Accordance seminar there is no way I can follow what you did. I can recommend that you upgrade to the new primary DVD which includes all the Library, Scholars, Bible Unlock, and Bible Reference modules , plus a lot that is new.


"He giveth his beloved sleep"


Our Dear Sister,


Please find a place of quiet rest. The amount of work you all have cranked through during the last few weeks is, frankly, most laudable. As Vance Havner was fond of saying, "It's best to come apart and rest awhile before one just simply comes apart!" (loosely quoted, kinda like a "Fuzzy" search of my own repository--ha!)



As to the troubles I am having, they have caused me to lose time away from doing other things "I thought" I should be doing. However, our Heavenly Father prevented me from doing these other things so that I could be about the business of having my faith and character refined in the heat that goes along with being in the computer applications arena. These troubles are being endured whilst looking forward to that which God will bring about for His glory and my good.


Yes, I do plan on upgrading to the Primary DVD. For some odd reason, the very painful Pancreas disease that is ever debilitating my wife has had the effect upon her where she now thinks we should buy groceries now and then rather than more software applications! (Hmm...Asparagus versus Accordance? What to do? Hand me the peanut butter and let's get the DVD!)


Thank you again for your evident concern, empathy, and expertise. May you find rest and contentment this weekend.


Joyfully About Our Father's Business,



(Psalm 1)


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