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Let's see Your "Start Up" Page!


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Thought it might be interesting and informative to see how others have their "typical" or default screen set up when they launch Accordance.


Might give ideas for me and others to incorporate into their own setup.


So let's see them! Take a screenshot (sht-cmd-4) and upload them. You can "down size" them in Preview (Save As > JPEG) if you need to (I don't think you will). I know the server limits the size of an upload to (1000k).


Don't forget to attach the image once you upload it! (Do a "Preview Post" to make sure it looks OK before posting).


Hopefully, this won't take too much space on the server. I just thought it might be interesting to see and share.


Here's mine (a work in progress).






Mine is pretty basic - but I like the idea of seeing how others set theirs up. I would like to see how Helen, and David and others who develop for Oak Tree set theirs up too! Good idea.




Here is mine. I like to see the whole Session to see how people organize their window space.


I don't do Hebrew or Greek, but I do use the Spanish RV60 since I'm deeply involved in the Spanish ministry of my church.



Great Idea! I've wanted to do this for some time. Thanks for beating me to it.


William, I like your set up.


I'm actually away from my accordance computer so I will have to post a pic of my setup when I return from the beach!


This IS a great idea. There's already changes I want to make after seeing other's default pages. Mostly adjustments made possible because of version 8.


Here's my question though. I'm looking at my default page, I go to preferences, make some adjustments in font size, spacing, etc. The only way I know how to have those changes take effect is to start a new search or window.


Is there any way to "apply" those changes without closing? Otherwise, I have to create my entire default page from scratch every time I want to make minor adjustments.. This problem doesn't just apply to default pages, but all the sessions I've saved.


Not sure if this makes sense and I hope this doesn't side track the thread. Keep posting screen captures!


Lately I've been using a workspace with four saved tabs: English, Hebrew, Greek, and Devotions. As I'm fairly new to Accordance, my default workspace is evolving.


I've enjoyed seeing how others arrange Accordance.


With respect to applying the changes you make, here are some tips:


If you just want to change the display of panes in your current start up window, you could just use command-T to make those changes. When you click OK, those changes are immediately applied. If you make your changes in the PREFERENCES, your changes will only apply to new windows or panes. Even then, you don't need to recreate your entire window, just change the text displayed in each pane to something else, and then change it back to the original text. You'll see your display changes then.


Most of my current work in Accordance is preparing Sunday homilies using the RSV and the Eastern Orthodox lectionary. I've set up a user tool that I take notes organized by the lectionary. As you can see, I've included references in my notes to relevant homilies by St. John Chrysostom (available in the Church Fathers module!) that I intend to work through in subsequent years. My current notes are the gathering of my seminary notes, past homilies (either in Word files or handwritten), and notes in the print editions of the Orthodox Study Bible from Thomas Nelson. I also use the IVP Reference collection when I need to "amplify" on various facts/informations that come up in a given reading.


Mine is pretty basic - but I like the idea of seeing how others set theirs up. I would like to see how Helen, and David and others who develop for Oak Tree set theirs up too! Good idea.


What fonts are you using? I actually like the readability you have there.




Here is my workspace. I use the Traditional western lectionary, under the permutation from Lutheran Service Book. I setup a workspace for each Sunday of the church year. You can see my notes on the left, and then the references on the right. i'm currently using Lightfoot's commentary on the Gospels a bit, but I want to get more of the Church Fathers series in there as well.


You can see the tabs for each of the readings. In the OT tab I have the columns you see, with the BHS and the LXX as well.



What fonts are you using? I actually like the readability you have there.




Actually a few folks have asked me what I am using. I am using the font type "Optima" at size 14 and a leading of 20 points. Here's the way my preferences look. I hope that is helpful.



Actually a few folks have asked me what I am using. I am using the font type "Optima" at size 14 and a leading of 20 points. Here's the way my preferences look. I hope that is helpful.


Thanks! And if indeed imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, consider yourself flattered.




Probably not the most refined workspace but it works well with my current study of Corinthians.



Maybe the Accordance staff can critique our workspaces! :)


How can I make it better?



Here's mine. All tabs are linked except Thompson Chain 2.

All are pretty clear except the one labeled Bible Study. That's a three pane tab with ESV and GNT-T on the sides of a large notes window.

I use the save session command to keep the links intact.




This IS a great idea. There's already changes I want to make after seeing other's default pages. Mostly adjustments made possible because of version 8.


Here's my question though. I'm looking at my default page, I go to preferences, make some adjustments in font size, spacing, etc. The only way I know how to have those changes take effect is to start a new search or window.


Is there any way to "apply" those changes without closing? Otherwise, I have to create my entire default page from scratch every time I want to make minor adjustments.. This problem doesn't just apply to default pages, but all the sessions I've saved.


Not sure if this makes sense and I hope this doesn't side track the thread. Keep posting screen captures!


I'm not sure if this is what you are after, but you may want Accordance to start up generally where you left off or perhaps always start on the same screen. Both can be set in Preferences, in the General window. Under the heading, Default startup you can select a Default session, or select start with last session. I have mine set at Last Session.



I've been playing with this a little bit more (including Jeremy's font selection!). What you see now are four tabs in the workspace: (1) Bible study notes -- a user tool which is my rather detailed checklist for working through a particular pericope; (2) Sunday Homily Commentary -- my user tool with homily notes for the Gospel & Epistles for each Sunday on the Eastern Orthodox lectionary. (This tool consists mainly of headings and scripture links at this point. I'm working on populating the content each week as I prepare a homily.); (3) Text -- the text of the given pericope I'm working on in both the RSV and NKJV; (4) Nicene/Post Nicene Father Series 1 -- Relevant homilies of St. John Chrysostom for the pericope. As I work through a pericope, various tabs are added and subtracted as needed (harmonies, commentaries, etc.).


If you notice to the right, I keep the "edit" window open for my Sunday Homily Commentary user tool, adding content as I work through the pericope. (As you can see, I'm set up for this coming Sunday, but have done no real work at this point!)


Here is mine. I like to see the whole Session to see how people organize their window space.

I am interested in your "Cross References." Is that something you compiled? Is it something available thru Accordance?

You have a nice set-up.

I am interested in your "Cross References." Is that something you compiled? Is it something available thru Accordance?

You have a nice set-up.


The Cross References are resource module that comes with Accordance. It can be found in the Reference list in the Resource palette. It is the icon that says 1:1.


These are part of the Library Intro level, not on the Scholar's CD series but now with the Primary 8 DVD scholar's can easily add the Library Intro level materials.


Here's mine. I'm definitely new with some of the more "advanced" features of accordance. For the last year or so, I've basically been using it for pure basic search.


Next item on my agenda is using User Tools and User Notes more directly instead of copy and paste into other tools (e.g. mindmanager, word, omnioutliner, etc.).


These are part of the Library Intro level, not on the Scholar's CD series but now with the Primary 8 DVD scholar's can easily add the Library Intro level materials.

The Primary 8 DVD arrived in the mail an hour ago. Now I have access to Cross References. The DVD is a very good package.


Here is a screenshot of a typical setup for me as I use Accordance.



Here is a screenshot of a typical setup for me as I use Accordance.


David, where's your Instant Details Box? Are you using the instant fade option? I hope you're not living without it!


Here is my screenshot.


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