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Maps Not Working in 8.0

Calvin Lindstrom

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I recently upgraded to version 8.0 and was able to use my Maps program without any problem. Today, however, in trying to use the Maps module I received an error message.


I quote: "The setting file 'Maps' was created with a newer version of Accordance and cannot be opened.... To use this version of Accordance, you will need to remove this file from the Preferences folder in the User Library Preferences, so that a current file version can be created."


I did as instructed but to no avail. What should I try next? By the way, I have also upgraded to 8.0.1, but the same problem persisted. When I try to change the Map preferences in Accordance, the program instantly shuts down.


Hi Calvin,


The Atlas is working for me using 8.0.1 MacBookPro 10.5.3.


I think you are saying that the Atlas was working correctly in 8.0 and recently Accordance started to give error messages when trying to use the Atlas? Was there a recent change you made to the Atlas?


If this is true then unfortunately I think your settings files have been corrupted. However, I am suprised that deleting your user settings file did not fix the problem.


Just to make sure you deleted the file you should ...


1. Quit Accordance

2. Delete the 'Maps' settings file in user/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences

3. Run Accordance


This should copy the 'Maps' settings file from {..}/Accordance Folder/Accordance Preferences/.


If this does not work then your only other alternative is to


1. Quit Accordance

2. Save a copy of your 'Maps' settings file from {..}/Accordance Folder/Accordance Preferences/ by COPYING it to the Desktop.

3. Delete BOTH 'Maps' settings files in user/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences AND {..}/Accordance Folder/Accordance Preferences/

4. ReInstall the Atlas module





Thanks for your help Mike. I don't think I had deleted the correct Maps preference file (there are two). I ended up reloading the Maps program. That seemed to solve my issue.


Hi Calvin,


I recommend that you make a backup of your user preferences (always a good practice).


Check out Accordance Help > Setting Up > Preference Files for a description of what to backup.


There very well still could be a corruption issue with 8.0.1 and if it happens again then..


1. Let us know (on the forum), and if it happens after a recent Atlas settings change.

2. Restore your Atlas settings using your backup copies (you will save a re-install of the Atlas).




Well Calvin (and others),


I was able to recreate a condition that caused the same error dialog (you reported) to come up.


The good news is that after following the dialogs advice (deleting 'Maps' from my User preferences) that Accordance created a new 'Maps' preference file from the Main Accordance preferences. Also, I was able to find and fix the bug that caused the corruption issue.


The bad news is that you will not be able to edit the Atlas defined layers and sets until we put out a fix.

For Example, I corrupted my 'Maps' preference file by Defining a new Region Set. After hitting OK to save, Accordance presented an error dialog about not being able to access the file 'Maps'. The next time I ran Accordance there was the same error dialog that you got (wrong version number).






Thanks for looking into this issue. I believe that my problems were probably caused by a similar situation - creating user defined regions, etc. I will do as you have suggested.


Calvin Lindstrom


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