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Problems with synching

Chuck Schneider

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Hi All,


I recently purchased a new iPad and, when I finally got around to it, I can't seem to synch most anything with DropBox and none of my user tools/texts with Accordance on my iMac.


After searching the forum here, I saw a link to documentation about synching with mobile devices (since I figured things must have changed a lot), but the pages are all empty.


I could sure use some help (pretty pls)!



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I'm using 12.1.5 on my iMac and 2.5.8 (Build on my iPad.

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Okay, by opening DropBox on my iPad it said something like "updating" and then, after that, I can synch to DropBox from iOS again.


However, my user Bible text doesn't get synchronized. I assume that I can only do that through synching with Accordance on my iMac, but it doesn't offer me user tools or user texts any more. Is this new or is something wrong?

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For your iMac, here is the documentation on v12 syncing.  If you have not synced dropbox in a while then you should check the status of your Preferences > Syncing  -  Make sure you are linked and that all of your user content is checked for syncing.


After syncing your iMac, I would use the Reset User Content option to unlink, relink, and download a fresh copy of your user content. This will properly clear out out of date copies from your device (assuming no local changes).


Let us know how it goes,


Edited by Mike Garrity
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Hi Mike, The DropBox synch seems to be fine now, but synching from Accordance doesn't offer me a chance to synch any user tools/texts.



By the way, the second time I try to synch always crashes the iOS Accordance.

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However, my user Bible text doesn't get synchronized. I assume that I can only do that through synching with Accordance on my iMac, but it doesn't offer me user tools or user texts any more. Is this new or is something wrong?


Yes, per the Help, the syncing is limited to one type at a time:

If you have linked Accordance for Mac to Dropbox, User content (Notes, Tools, Highlight files) cannot be synced via Wi-Fi.



 You will need to unlink your iPad to WiFi sync your user bibles.



Edited by Mike Garrity
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For some reason, the Help links are just blank pages.

The reset user content link works, but the other two are just blank pages.

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