A. Smith Posted November 20, 2017 Posted November 20, 2017 I’ve found the app to crash consistently when I’m viewing a uncial text (any of them), whether as the only text or in parallel. iPad Air running latest iOS and app.
Guest Posted November 21, 2017 Posted November 21, 2017 Sorry for no reply yet, Anthony. Many of our staff members have been at SBL in Boston this week. Plus, it's the beginning of a holiday week in the US, and I'm sure some of us will be traveling. Regardless, I'm sure our devs will see your message. And I'll try to confirm the crash on my iPad as soon as I'm able.
A. Smith Posted November 28, 2017 Author Posted November 28, 2017 No problem. I don't mind waiting. I just want to ensure someone's noticed, lol.
A. Smith Posted November 28, 2017 Author Posted November 28, 2017 Oh, by the way. I've had no issue (yet?) on my new iPad Pro (10.5") This thing is slick! Previously was using a 1gen iPad Air. Does crash eventually on my iPhone 7. Maybe it's a memory issue?
Joel Brown Posted November 28, 2017 Posted November 28, 2017 Its not crashing for me on my iPhone 7 - I wonder if your fonts have gotten a bit wonky on that device?
Fabian Posted November 28, 2017 Posted November 28, 2017 (edited) Was there not a bug with the show as verse or show as paragraphs wich make troubles? If this is not solved then try to change to the other form. See here https://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/21541-alexandrinus-crash-the-accordance-mobile/?hl=alexandrinus There must be also another post from me, but I didn't find it quickly, in where Rick Mansfield answered to change form verse to paragraph view or otherwise. Greetings Fabian Edited November 28, 2017 by Fabian
Joel Brown Posted November 29, 2017 Posted November 29, 2017 Ah, thanks for the additional info, Fabian. I've found a more reliable way to prevent the crash, though you will be forced to viewing it in Separate Verses mode instead of paragraphs.
A. Smith Posted November 29, 2017 Author Posted November 29, 2017 Adjusting the leading seems to have worked. I don't want to move to verses over paragraphs because then I disrupt the MS column, which is important for some tasks.
Fabian Posted November 30, 2017 Posted November 30, 2017 Ah, thanks for the additional info, Fabian. I've found a more reliable way to prevent the crash, though you will be forced to viewing it in Separate Verses mode instead of paragraphs. But very annoying. My App crash if I open uncial texts. Before I can change to verse mode. The only one solution now is go to preferences, show as separate verses for all texts, Then open every text except the uncial ones and change them back to show as paragraph. The same annoying was with the https://www.accordancebible.com/store/details/?pid=ETHIOP. To avoid this https://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/20084-ethiopic-geez-old-testament-shows-only-questionmarks/?hl=ethiopic I had to install https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/anyfont/id821560738?mt=8 then send the Kefa font to the iPhone and install it. But the App (on my old iPhone 4s) has hang and crashed before I was able to change to Kefa. Then I had to set all texts to Kefa and open every text except the Ethiopic one and change the font back to Helvetica Neue. On my up to date iPhone Helvetica Neue works with the Ge'ez too. I saw right now, the Kefa font is also installed. If this came with the Accordance app then congratulations. Today the cell phones had enough space to add this font. Please invest some time to kill the bug with the paragraph view and uncials. Greetings Fabian
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