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Searching for Aramaic phrase returns null


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Try this: Search for the phrase ‏עַבְדוֹהִי דִי־אֱלָהּ in the BHS-W4 module (excluding vowels/niqudot).

Attempts made (with quotes) that return no results:

"עבד* די אלה"

"עבדו* די אלה"

"עבד* אלה" which unfortunately ignores the די al together


None of these will return the "עבדוהי די אלה" phrase that occurs in Ezra 5:11, which after clumsier searching I finally stumbled on to. What is missing from the above queries?




Thomas, the ‏‏הי suffix at the end of ‏‏ עבדוhas been tagged as a separate word. You need a second wildcard to account for this: "‏‏עבד* * די אלה"


"‏‏עבדו * די אלה" would also work, which is identical to your second search, just with a space before the wildcard.


Hope this helps.


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