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Improvements needed for BiblicalTraining.org

Carol K

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The BiblicalTraining.org module is a treasure trove of seminary-class teaching. Most of the lectures are audio only but are not easy to listen to on a mobile device due to limitations of the interface. First, closing the Accordance app, turning "off" the device, or letting the device screen time out and go to sleep all turn off the audio. As a result, I cannot listen while going for a walk, stream without interruption to a bluetooth speaker, or do anything else on my phone such as take notes while listening. Second, I cannot listen off-line.


I would like to see the audio interface improved to allow playback while the app is in the background. I would also like some level of off-line listening. Even storing one or two lectures on the device would be a big improvement and help minimize data usage.


BiblicalTraining.org has its own app which include both these features. It would be nice to see the Accordance app be equally compelling.

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