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Devotions on the Hebrew Bible


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I really enjoyed the Devotions in Greek NT in Accordance. Aside from the fact it is not available in our local bookstores, the format in Accordance is helpful. That is why I am requesting that you also put up Devotions on Hebrew Bible edited by Milton Eng and Lee Fields in the Accordance Bookstore.

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Devotions in Greek NT helped me appreciate my classes in Greek NT. It gave me the perspective that my Greek NT is not only good for doing great exegesis, but can also enrich my devotional life. This devotional served as a "short-term" guide for me. After the 52 devotions I can have a handle of doing it by myself in the long-term."


Now that I am taking up Hebrew OT I like to have the same enriching experience of doing devotions in the Hebrew NT.

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I also noticed that there is a second Greek volume.




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