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Webster’s Dictionary 1828


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It seems that the 1828 American Dictionary contained the greatest number of Biblical definitions given in any reference volume that is the reason I have requested it.

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On the HP of another Bible software, is the 1928 with 60'000 entries the half of the 1913 unabridged with 120'000 which you have in Accordance.


BTW it is so big, the scroll is terrible slow.

Update after force quit and restart it is now faster. Sometimes there are some actions I do in Accordance which it bugged down. Unfortunately I hadn't found out which ones.





Edited by Fabian
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  • 3 years later...

Ditto on getting the 1828 edition. Much better than 1913 (that is presently on Accordance) in historical research and Bible references that are included in definitions. Just compare at Websters Dictionary 1828 - American Dictionary of the English Language to that of the 1913 on Accordance at this time.  I greatly implore that Accordance will add it!  

Edited by Brian.Mann
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  • 3 years later...

I too humbly request that Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language be added to Accordance. It is an historic masterpiece and extremely useful, providing thoroughly biblical definitions. It also includes the most references and citations from the bible itself, as compared to other dictionaries.


As it stands, I'm currently obligated to use Accordance in tandem with another website or hardcopy, manually searching each term I encounter in Accordance. Having the ability to quickly and simply view each word's definition in the instant details section would be immensely helpful.


Thankfully, I don't believe there are any barriers to entry for including it as a module within Accordance, as it is already in the public domain. Webster's 1913 edition (currently available with Accordance), though nice, alters most every, more biblically based definition from the 1828 edition, omitting many of the scriptural references found therein.


Please and thank you!

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Websters Dictionary 1828 - Online



May be of interest...I haven't used it




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I have this in print (and Logos) and use it regularly (over more current dictionaries). I'll add it to my list.


In the meantime, the online version in the Accordance Web Browser would be great. Thanks for recommending it @docdave!

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13 minutes ago, Nathan Parker said:

I have this in print (and Logos) and use it regularly (over more current dictionaries). I'll add it to my list.


In the meantime, the online version in the Accordance Web Browser would be great. Thanks for recommending it @docdave

Oh, thank you so much! This just made my week!

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Mine too! I love this dictionary!

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  • 2 weeks later...


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