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Word Count for Direct Speech Does Not Work


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I’m trying to search for the number of words in a direct speech sentence, but whatever I tried somehow Accordance does not recognize and does not count certain words in a direct speech sentence (see screenshot).

I don't know if that happened only after the 11.2 update or before, because I only tried doing it after the update was installed.

Is it a bug and can it be fixed with the next update?





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I think your missing phrase is more than 2 levels below the direct speech, in fact I see it is in the tree. If you increase your depth of search you should pick it up.


Why are you listing all the parts of speech? You could simply use Lex * for any word.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Helen,


thank you so much for your response.

Even when I turn the search level to the maximum (9), there are still some words that are part of a direct discourse phrase which are not recognized as such and are therefore not counted (see the demonstrative pronoun in the screenshot attached to this post).

At the same time, the results table shows much more hits than it should be. Sometimes there are even more hits than there are words in a given chapter (see screenshot).


Am I missing something?


Thank's so much,



PS: Sorry, the screenshot is made with the German interface. I hope the problem is still clear.


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