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Accordance Mobile in Landscape Having Trouble in iOS9

Abram K-J

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Accordance 2.2.2 is having trouble with split panes in landscape mode on an iPad Air 2 (iOS 9.0.2). The challenge is dragging left from the right side of the screen to open the split pane, but even once it is successfully open, moving it to where I want it is a challenge--not easy like it was in iOS 8.


I am assuming this is due to a new iOS, and that the app just hasn't caught up with it yet, but it seemed worth reporting anyway.


I am assuming anyone using this device in landscape mode can easily reproduce to see what I'm talking about, but any developers should feel free to say otherwise, if it is helpful for me to add more detail.

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Hey Abram,


This issue has come up in our meetings and we have plans to address it in our next release along with Slide Over and Split View support. 





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I don't know if it's related, but I've been having a ton of issues with the iOS home screen getting stuck when rotating back and forth between app usage. I just updated to 9.0.2 last night, and haven't seen if it is better. 

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Maybe with App slicing for the next release you can only develop what the different iOS really needs. So that this bug goes away only 'cause you don't have to put all codes in one App. Especially because this only is for one iPad at the moment.





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