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Hitting HOME/END when typing UN Hebrew go the wrong way

Λύχνις Δαν

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Hi ya,


  Acc 11.0.7

  Win 7 SP1


  If I have a User Note and I'm using Cardo font and the OS Hebrew keyboard (Ezra SIL), the typing goes RTL as you would expect though there being no RTL, LTR switch it starts from the left. But if I hit Home it goes to the left, if I hit End it goes to the right. In RTL these ought to be reversed.




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Daniel, at the end of the day, your note is still a LTR note, as we do not currently support full-RTL notes right now.  So, this really isn't a bug, your selection is moving to the beginning or end of the note.

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Oh ok thanx Joel. I rather thought it my be something like that but figured I'd raise the issue.




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