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Purchase advice -- redundant Bible unlocks?


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I just purchased the Library 7 CD-ROM at Introductory Level, and am considering buying unlocks for the NRSV and New Jerusalem Bible.


My hesitation is that in the future, I may want to buy:

- the Anchor Bible Dictionary package, which includes an NRSV unlock;

- the Catholic Collection, which includes an NJB unlock;

- or possibly upgrade to the Library 7 Standard or Premier levels, which also include Bible unlocks.


When buying these packages, is any discount offered for previously-purchased Bibles that are included? Or are those unlocks a complete loss?

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You are doing your homework carefully! We do have a three month grace period during which we could credit the unlock of a module that is now included in a package you order. After that, we really cannot do that since we have calculated and paid royalties and it just gets too messy.

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