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Brenton Psa 10:2 does not show in parallel to Rahlfs

Λύχνις Δαν

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Hi ya,


Acc 11

Win 7 and Mac Mavericks


Open LXX Rahlfs and search for Psa 10

Open Brenton English translation in parallel


10:1 and 10:3 through 7 will show but 10:2 will be missing.

Context setting appears to make no difference.




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This is another example where you must check the text in question by making it the search text. Where the Hebrew (Ps 11) and the LXX (Ps 10) have only one verse (title and the contents up to the word "bird"), most English translations have a title and one verse. For some reason Brenton decided to make this a title and 2 verses, so his verse 2 has no parallels in the other versions and will only show up when Brenton is the search text.


We have long pondered a way to indicate where text of verses in parallel panes is being skipped, but have not yet come up with a satisfactory solution.


In the meantime you can continue to enjoy the way that Accordance keeps the content parallel for you despite different chapter numbers and verse arrangements.

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Ah ok - I see it now. I knew it was in Brenton I just had not twigged to the additional verse number.


Thanx for the explanation Helen.


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