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Hebrew Unicode problems persist

Michel Gilbert

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Hebrew Unicode problems still persist.


1. If I copy from HMT-4 and paste it into a Note, it doesn't all display correctly.


2. If I import Unicode Hebrew from another program, it doesn't all display correctly.


3. If I select the pasted texts, and change to them to other Unicode fonts, they look even worse.


I already posted screen shots of the same things, at http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14286


4. If you copy and paste more than one Hebrew verse, they do not display in the correct order. For example, copy and paste Gen 1:1-3 into the notes; see screenshot.



5. Typing right to left is worse than before. Before, if I changed the Windows language to Hebrew, typed a Hebrew word, and then the spacebar, the cursor went to the right of each Hebrew word. It still does, only now the space becomes an underline space.









Accordance 11.0.2 for Windows 8.1 Pro

Windows 8.1 Pro, Dell Inspiron 17r-5721 with Intel Core i7 3537U CPU, x64

Screenshot, Hebrew verses disordered.pdf

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I tried this out, and in my case at least the characters are displayed well. The only thing is that while the order of the words in each verse is correctly written Right-to-Left, the verse order is pasted Left-to-Right.

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Since Anthony said his Hebrew characters displayed correctly, I decided to completely uninstall and reinstall Accordance 11.0.2.


Now the Hebrew consonants, etc., display correctly. Typing right to left also now works, using my workaround at



So, I thank you for these fixes.


However, I also encountered the same left to right paste issue as Anthony. In addition, there is a problem in 1:2 with the order of the Hebrew words. One word (פני) is even split in two. See screenshot.





Gen 1,1-3 in User Note.pdf

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Hi Michel,


Does this happen every time you copy and paste Gen 1:1-4?

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Hi Anthony,


No, it either does that or something else, see new screenshot. I can't figure out why it does one or the other.


I have many intermittent problems with Unicode in the notes. I said typing right to left works now, but sometimes it doesn't, and I have to delete a note and start over again.


By the way, how do I attach a screenshot.png instead of a pdf file?







Gen 1,1-3 in User Note, alternate rendition.pdf

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Hi Michel,


The same thing happens with me; it is rather unpredictable. I hope the programmers get to work on it soon enough.


As for attaching an image: after you upload the image file, locate the cursor to where you want the image to show up in your post, and then click on the "add to post" link at the right end of the attached file's name in the "attached files" section. You should see a text link (not the image itself) added where you put the cursor. When you finally click on "add reply", the image will be shown, instead of the link.

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  • 2 months later...



Hebrew Unicode problems still persist.



4. If you copy and paste more than one Hebrew verse, they do not display in the correct order. For example, copy and paste Gen 1:1-3 into the notes; see screenshot.





This problem persists, whether you copy and paste within Accordance, or from other programs. See screenshot.




Thank you for fixing the other issues.





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