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Custom Upgrade not working in 11.0.1

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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After upgrading to 11.0.1, I went to Easy Install to download some missing/never installed modules. When I did this on the Mac (in 11.0) I could pick and choose among the various Bibles in the Starter Collection. I was not given this option in 11.0.1 on the Windows machine I use. (Vista Home Premium)

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Lorinda, Can you send me a screen shot of your easy install? Do you see the arrows and checkboxes on the window? Is it that you cannot click on a checkbox or clicking on an arrow does not drop a list for you?


Also, what if you de-select the Hide installed items checkbox? I cannot reproduce the problem you are describing.

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Orly, there are checkboxes, but no arrows. Screenshot attached:






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What do you see if you uncheck the Hide installed items and click the refresh?

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Sorry, I lost track of the fact you asked that in your first post. If I uncheck Hide installed items, I immediately see arrows, and I get checkboxes for the individual modules/groups. Is it supposed to work that way? I don't remember that being the case on Mac: I intentionally did not install the Portuguese Bible, and I continue to see the arrows, etc. there, and I have Hide Installed Modules checked on the Mac.

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it should not work like that. Looks like something got confused. Do you have any items that need to be installed on every closed package?

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There are uninstalled items in each of the 3 packages listed in the screenshot I posted. I don't need them, however. In fact, I removed them from the library specifically to provide a screenshot for you. (When I first ran into the issue I just let it download the item I didn't particularly want.)



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