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v7.1/OS 10.3.9 Dialogs Repaint?


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I just installed Accordance v7.1 scholar's collection and I'm running 10.3.9. When I do a word search in BHS-W4 and bring up the Enter Grammatical Tag... Verb dialog (or any part-of-speech dialog), the dialog ignores my first mouse click anywhere in the dialog (drop down controls, cancel, or OK) and then repaints the dialog. Is there a fix for this?



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No, there is no fix. The bug is related to the Spellchecker code, and it does not appear in 10.4, so your best option is probably to upgrade your system.

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Is this a cosmetic annoyance or are you actually unable to enter grammatical tags?

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JP, it's somewhere between the two. When I select a drop down list option the dialog repaints itself and "erases" my selection. I then have to select the drop down list element again.


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I also encounter the dialog repaint problem when I use the cmd-T dialog to change the text attributes of any text pane. It's really annoying. Are you effectively saying that to run Accordance v7.1 requires OS X 10.4? I find it hard to believe that all the current users of Accordance will be running 10.4.


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I also encounter the dialog repaint problem when I use the cmd-T dialog to change the text attributes of any text pane. It's really annoying. Are you effectively saying that to run Accordance v7.1 requires OS X 10.4? I find it hard to believe that all the current users of Accordance will be running 10.4.


Hi Martin,


I dug out an old iMac that was still on MacOS 10.3.9 and verified the multiple interface problems (with counting mouse clicks) in Accordance 7.1.


In 7.1 we introduced a Spelling checker that uses interface code for accessing the Mac's Cocoa spell checker. When I first tried to add it to Accordance 7.0 we noticed mouse click problems (in MacOS 10.4.x) and delayed it until 7.1 to give me more time to find the problem. I later found a fix (for MacOS 10.4.x) that required at least MacOS 10.2 for access to the Spelling checker. So, in the end, you helped us discover that there is a problem with MacOS 10.3.9 and our use of the Cocoa Spell Checker. Instead of upgrading to MacOS 10.4, we can fix the interface problems by removing the ability of Accordance to do Spell Checking (which I verified on my old iMac).


On OSX, Accordance is an application bundle. A bundle is a directory in the file system that groups related resources together in one place. We store the interface code to the Cocoa Spell checker within the Accordance bundle as a seperate file named 'SpellCheck.bundle'. I will describe how to locate this file and remove it from Accordance.


If you are willing to do some file manipulation, then you should be able to fix the interface problems by altering the Accordance bundle.

I suggest you quit Accordance and make a copy of the Accordance.app outside of the Accordance Folder (your desktop for example).


In the Finder, if you right-click on the Accordance application then one of the menu options is to show the contents within the application bundle/package namely 'Show Package Contents'. This option will allow access to the directory structure of Accordance.app. After selecting this option, a Finder window appears that contains the folder 'Contents'. Open 'Contents' and then the folder 'Resources' to locate the file 'SpellCheck.bundle'.




Now drag the file 'SpellCheck.bundle' to the trash. Launch Accordance and the Spelling option (when editting User Notes/User Tools) will be dimmed.


Let me know if this fixes the interface problems....



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Yes, that corrected the problem. Thanks for digging in and giving me the workaround. I'm sorry to lose the spell check function but one day I hope to eventually upgrade and will restore the SpellCheck.bundle module. In the meantime, all is peaceful on the dialog front... thanks again.


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